Friday 4 March 2016


Paul Smith is a role model of mine purely from how much he has been able to succeed with such a simple design. Obviously this design is not the only reason for his incredible success. But it is the design that gave him the platform to achieve what he has done to the present day. The design itself is so effortless in its approach yet screams sophistication. I think it takes loads of inspiration from artists of the past. A blend of Bridget Riley and the De Stijgl movement. It is inspiring how he has taken one design concept and transferred it into thousands of products by created this trademark design that is instantly recognisable to consumers eye. 


Do I think this is the best design? No. What I admire most is the creativity and the imagination of taking a simple design, making it your own, and believing in it enough to produce what Paul Smith has produced. He created a brand name and image and just rolled with it. Can't say I do not envy him. 

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