Friday 4 March 2016


A friend of my was producing an LP and asked me to produce the cover for it. I started looking at album cover designs and one I liked most was Leif Podjasky was my inspiration for my design process. 

Heres the cover for Bonobo - Flashlight he created. I love everything within this design. The colour scheme, the psychedelic design, the patterns achieved with the sleeve, a clever use of laser cutter.

These are my first design conceptions, using a silhouette, of the artist himself and repeating the pattern. I liked the colours produced but as a concept idea it seemed to be lacking something. 

I tried to create a similar design here using photography I took in Switzerland. I still thought this design was lacking the finish I wanted. 

These were the final design concepts I produced you can see the inspiration I have taken from Leif Podjasky's album cover. I decided to go with the green design however this was not due to my choice, I personally prefer the red design for an album cover, however I asked the artist which he visually preferred and he chose the green design. This was a valuable lesson for as a designer, as the whole creation process involved back and fourth talks with the artist, not meeting eye to eye on everything, but this is similar to how working in industry is, as a creator you want creative control of everything however this is not how industry works and sometimes you have to take criticism and make choices that may not be what you want but simply what you have to do, as it is not only your vision you have to take into consideration.

I do have previous experience in creating album covers, I enjoy the process a lot, heres a piece I did a few years back, do I like the style now? No. But I like the creativity involved and the design process I underwent to achieve a final product...


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