Friday 4 March 2016


Below are gifs found on google images just looking gaining ideas, I still do not know the method these designers used to create their gifs, I like the way they have used a basic shape and changed the form of these shapes to form a continuos form in harmony.  

Miron is quite a different designer. I do not like him as an artist, I think his pieces are far too psychedelic for me, I agree with loud colours and high contrasting designs for gifs however I think he provides too much of this in his work. The one above is an exception, appears to have an amazonian essence, I like the pattern and movement he creates in this design. I do like the following:

I do not know the artist of the above design, but it probably my favourite so far. I like the idea of creating many designs all of the same design so when put together they match each other and are instantly recognisable as a brand of gifs. 

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