Sunday 7 May 2017



My Monotype Brief for D&AD was a very long-winded process. Taking over 50 hours and thats just for the animation! Due to the depth of the project I had to deepen my knowledge in applications. Learning the basics of coding was interesting and a skill that I would like to progress on. Creating an animation was not enjoyable due to its long-winded nature however the final piece is always rewarding, I like creating life through motion graphics in my work. I took this brief to take advantage of creating my first piece of ethical design. At the time Brexit was going on and Trump was running for president I wanted to voice my opinion, taking the First Things First manifesto into light. I enjoyed building a campaign, I found the marketing side of the brief very interesting to under-go. Overall I was happy with the final animation and brief, I believe I created a very typographical-led emotional,informed campaign based on a misunderstood notion in our politics and society, that works to leave you with insight and perhaps change original perception, with typography and motion graphics.

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