Sunday 22 April 2018


Over the past year I have been working in and out with OI designs. I am looking to do a one week placement with them in the easter break. However it is not that different from how I have been working with them for the past year. I am not employed at Oi. I happen to know the owner of the company and tend to do the off job for them if I need some extra money or simply doing a favour. 

My opportunity within my work placement shall be different to how I have previously worked with Oi designs. For some briefs I shall be collaborating with one of the graphic designers there. But the main focus shall be more towards understanding how the business operates. This is the focal point of the experience. Moving on from graduation, I shall be looking to study a business orientated masters. So grasping more of a business minded experience from this shall broaden my understanding before I move onto postgraduate level. I shall also be accompanying the client meetings to understand more about communication in business and more on the worker-client relationship. How they manage their time effectively. How briefs are tackled in a company, what roles are assigned to who, and how does the team combine to finish a brief. I will be spending a lot of time with the owner to understand more about the process behind an entrepreneur. This type of experience will benefit me moving forward as I look to become more entrepreneurial myself after my master's qualification.

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